Saturday, October 22, 2011

requiem for a bastard

You win some you lose some. Unfortunately, last night was a bit of a loss for Burlington, but fun nonetheless. PALS delivered a phenomenal set, finally giving the party crowd a chance to see what they're all about. But after ye olde Fridge played a couple tunes, noise and an exceeded carrying capacity rendered the rest of the show a bust. Luckily no cops arrived, but unluckily Evil Pit Bastards never took the stage. A huge bummer, but the Bastards kept their heads held high and will make up for it next weekend at The Bunker. Seriously these guys are off the wall, so don't try anything cute, just be there.
In other news, as October stumbles to a close, the Fridge lets off a collective sigh of relief. It's been a busy month. We're looking forward to the days getting shorter, writing more music, laying down some new tracks for our forthcoming Leopard Shepherd album (!), snow bans, cold cold walks up n' down the rolling hills of Burlington, warming up with some hard cider and whiskey (the latter of which is not seasonal, but always anticipated with glee), and trying to map out a winter mini-tour of sorts with some of our favorite musical friends. Ah yes, the ways of the mighty north.
But not quite yet.
October ends with a bang. This weekend we'll be trekking south to the big city for a show at the Greenpoint Gallery in Brooklyn. Our friends Clownface were nice enough to make this happen for us, and we'll be sharing the stage with them as well as  Kevin Garrett, Montes Rock, and The Sort-Me-Outs. The last time we played in New York was New Year's Day, and if I recall it went pretty damn well, so excitement is high. The next day we return to the sinful town of New Paltz, where we finally get a chance to play with Nelsonvillains after their unfortunate vehicular troubles prevented them from making it up here on their tour. Year on a Mountain (personally I really dig that name) and PORCHES join as well. New Paltz knows how to party so I won't waste time providing instructions. And for Sunday, we're hoping our Waltham-based friends at Brandeis may be able to squeeze us into a pre-existing bill. Either way, a fun fun Halloween weekend awaits, the final storm before the calm.
November will be comparatively quiet, though we are definitely still looking at a couple fun shows (another Friends and Family event perchance?), dates and locations to be confirmed. But from next week to the end of the semester, recording will be the name of the game. As for the name of the recording, we're open to suggestions.
With love, respect, and unarticulated suspicion,
freddy and the spin$

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